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Teradata to Snowflake Cloud Migration Checklist

Thinking of Migrating from Teradata to Snowflake?

Migrating from Teradata to Snowflake can be a complex process, but with proper planning and execution, it can significantly enhance your data analytics capabilities. This comprehensive checklist will guide you through the key steps of a successful migration.

Our comprehensive checklist covers everything you need to consider when planning and executing your legacy EDW, Data Lake, and ETL migration from Teradata to Snowflake.

Key Aspects Covered in Our Checklist:

1. Assessment

  • Discover and prioritize existing Teradata database objects
  • Identify data objects, map data flows, and determine downstream applications
  • Utilize CRAWLER360 for thorough scanning and discovery

2. Database Migration

  • Translate legacy DDLs, views, stored procedures, and scripts using SHIFT Cloud
  • Address exceptions and incompatibilities
  • Conduct unit testing with TESTER

3. Acceptance Testing

  • Develop an end-to-end test strategy
  • Migrate historical data early to evaluate efficiency
  • Use TESTER to generate and execute test cases
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Migration Checklist

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Testimonies About Our Migration Technology

Charles Araujo-2
Charles Araujo

“Next Pathway simplifies the cloud migration process so its clients can transform and optimize their workloads to meet changing business requirements while they migrate them.”

Eric Kavanagh
Eric Kavanagh

“Next Pathway created SHIFT Cloud - a code translation engine that enables a remarkably swift and robust transition from traditional on-prem data warehousing, to the new reality in the cloud.”

Talk to Us About Your Snowflake Migration

Thinking of migrating to Snowflake? We can help.